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Stop Rusting! | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #86



There are five places on Earth where the people routinely live to over 120 years of age in good health with virtually no cancer or dental caries (decay of a bone or tooth), where they remain robust and strong and are also able to bear children even in old age, and the most famous of these, Hunza in the Himalayas, has people who live to 120-140 years old. There are also villages in France where the people are extremely healthy and other villages where the people are run-down. Much research has proven conclusively that the major common denominator of the healthy long-living people is their local water. Dr. Henri Coanda, the Romanian father of fluid dynamics and a Nobel Prize winner at 78 yrs old, spent six decades studying the Hunza water trying to determine what it was in this water that caused such beneficial effects for the body. He discovered that there were indeed anomalous properties to the Hunza water. It had a different freezing and boiling point than ordinary water, a different viscosity and a differe