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Essential Health | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #92



Found in high concentrations in your brain, EFAs aid the transmission of nerve impulses, and are needed for normal brain function. Research has shown that a deficiency of EFAs leads to an impaired ability to learn and to recall information. Several fatty acids cannot be made by your body and must be supplied through your diet. These are called essential fatty acids (EFAs), and they play a critical role in your health and vitality. Undesirable monounsaturated fats (in partially hydrogenated oils) are abundant in our society's diet, appearing in almost all processed foods. They promote your body's harmful inflammatory response, which is the cause of many disorders, from arthritis & autoimmune disorders, to diabetes and heart disease. Omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs are increasingly recognized as important to human health. But they will only maintain their status as "good" fats when ingested in proper balance. Unfortunately, most Western diets today are high in omega-6s, and low in omega-3s. Each week Martin Pytela