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Four Causes of Digestive Disorders: Toxicity, Malnutrition, Stagnation and Disruption Part 1 | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #225



During our teleclass, we shared the secrets to Vibrant Health. I mentioned it at the beginning: Illness rises as a mix of four causes: toxicity, malnutrition, stagnation and disruption.Toxicity has been rising thanks to all the new chemicals being released into the air, water and products we use. Especially heavy metals create problems.Malnutrition is now common, because the plants we eat are grown in fields that are depleted of nutrients, animals we eat are fed hormones and anti-biotics, and hollow feed that is also nutrient deficient. Add to this enzyme destruction from cooking, lack of beneficial microbes that are destroyed for fear of infection, and the general fast food diet that is rich in calories and poor in nutrients.We also talked about the two metabolic types and why what is healthy for one is deadly to the other, and visa versa.