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Are You Resonating "Conditional Self-Esteem" or "Love"? | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #244



Why is Conditional Self-Esteem important? Happiness doesn't depend on anything outside ourselves. Smart Mineral products affect your vibration, clear your emotional fields by changing the resonance with which you are interacting with the universe. Guilt produces a strong negative pull on your emotions to draw into your life many unwanted and undeserved manifestations. This product will help you clear the vibration and break the link that pulls you into manifesting more of what you are trying to move away from, leave behind so that you can live your life to your design, not as the consequence of some unwise choices you have made in the past. What are Levels of Consciousness? What level are we at? Professor Farrell S. Brenner shares his scales of Consciousness. There is no doubt that we live in "interesting times" of extraordinary challenge. For example, geo-scientists say that global warming is a massive threat. Biologists say that entire species ar