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Sour Food, Fermented Foods, Super Health! | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 249



All of the nutrients coming from whole foods would by nature contain major antioxidants, tissue alkalizers, Friendly Microbes (+LAB), Amino Acids, Enzymes, Vitamins, Minerals, & Essential Fatty Acids. Friendly Microbes (+LAB) means that it's sourced from the food in which the product is made, and the true form in which we should get our good bacteria. Friendly, living bacteria repopulate the lining of your GI Tract and help to cleanse away toxic buildup. Years of study and billions of dollars have been spent on trying to find out why we humans have been getting sick since we started cooking our food. It's because cooking your food kills life-giving enzymes and increases your potential for ill health. "Enzyme-deficient bodies are prime targets for cancer, obesity, heart disease, or other degenerative problems." - Dr. Edward Howell (Enzyme Nutrition) Lacto-Fermentation breaks down whole foods, to the very essence of their construction. We call this "predigested" and it's done with friendly microbes so tha