Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast

Homeopathy and Healing | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 251



A natural, gentle body cleanse... the starting point for your road to better health. Preparing Essence supports your body's innate healing ability for detoxing to remove accumulated toxins and pollution from today's living environment. It's like making good before decorating. Delivers the synergised energy signature ingredients of over 90 nutrients you need on a daily basis (including Aloe Vera, Chinese and Western herbs, pure essential oils, probiotics, spices), and important nutrition used in complementary therapy to support your capacity to adapt to the stresses of life. 80% of your immune system lives in your gut and a healthy gut holds the vital roots of our health. Detoxing supports a well functioning digestive system, essential for the ingestion of vital nutrition. Preparing Essence is followed by your selection of Caring Remedy tocomplete the "Eight Weeks to a Better You" program. The brainchild of Michael Riley and Jane Fletcher, t