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Friendly Bacteria Equals Healthy and Thriving Body | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #262



Keep your "inner body" healthy. Since 1981, more than 20,000 people have consumed Life Science SBO Probiotic formulas. Over time, they bred superior strains of the SBOs that produced positive reactions such as: more satisfying bowel movements improved sleep patterns fewer colds and flu greater amounts of energy. The soil-based organisms have been useful for the healing of some really serious illnesses. In an average of ninety days following their ingestion, specific morbid states for which the soil-based organisms have been taken by sick patients strictly as adjunctive healing agents, positive therapeutic results have been observed and reported anecdotally by both patients and doctors. At the turn of the 20th century, nobel laureate Elias Metchnikoff, PhD discovered many immune system components, and he saw the direct correlation between health, longevity, and the proper balance of beneficial microorganisms in the body. Have you noticed the renewed interest in microbes, probably due to antibiotic-resistant