The Good Doctors With Dr Ron Ehrlich And Dr Michelle Woolhouse

Healthy Bytes 25: Immunisation – do we punish or educate?



Immunisations is a very emotive issue. Should parents be punished or provided better education in making decisions about vaccinating their children? Why are parents so fearful and how can medical practitioners support parents? We are hoping that this will start a conversation to better understand the issues around vaccinations as well as discuss the idea of inoculating the world around a child.   Show notes 0.30 - Immunisation - should parents be punished or better educated? We discuss this article that appeared on The Conversation. 1.00 - Disease controlled by vaccinations almost invisible to the public. Is this why some people are rejecting vaccinations? 2.00 - The anti-vaccination position and the trends of polio and measles. 3.40 - The fear surrounding vaccinations and the "wiping out" of disease 4.58 - Building vaccinations via taxation. Is this right way of doing it? You can read the article here. 6.15 - How do we build trust? The community vs. personal reaction to vaccinations 7.30 - Medical interventi