The Good Doctors With Dr Ron Ehrlich And Dr Michelle Woolhouse

Healthy Byte # 32 Bookclub – “Sapiens – A Brief History of Human Kind”



For all of our history, homo sapiens have had a dramatic impact on the environment.   The elevation of the individual has disconnected man from nature and this is not sustainable. This book reminds us of our insignificance. Contemplating our insignificance is a powerful healing tool to humble our individual selves, our small part in this incredible world that we live in and to connect us back to millions of years of history. In his book, Harari is asking us to consider this ancient world, what has gone before us and the impact of our species upon nature and history. SHOW NOTES 0. 35  Sapiens – a brief history of human kind by Yuval Noah Harare, Israeli historian 1.22  The Cognitive Revolution 1.42  Era defined by Sapiens ability to communicate and to share imagined realities 4.30 Did we domesticate wheat and cattle or did they domesticate us? 4.45  Hunters and gatherers  - higher food diversity 5.44  The fraud of progress and the detriment of well being 6.23  Hunter gatherer's kinship with nature compared to