The Too Busy To Eat Show

6: Barry Friedman on changing your life by being sugar-free



Barry is a World Juggling Champion and author of the #1 Amazon Best Seller, I Love Me More Sugar. He has given multiple TED talks, is a sugar expert, and runs a program called ‘30 days sugar free.’ Providing people with encouragement to give up their sugar habits is something he truly has a passion for. How did Sugar-free Barry happen?…2:45 - Barry was the guy that ate what he wanted and did not think twice about it. After a frozen yogurt date with his son, he decided to give up sugar for 30 days. He noticed a difference the day after giving up this ‘drug’. Throughout his journey, he has noticed changes in his skin, waistline, and blood panel numbers. Replacement for sugar…6:10 - He eats a lot of fruit. Even though fruit has sugar, Barry stays away from any added sugars. Now, his ‘sweet treats’ look like raisins, apples, or celery with almond butter. 30 Day Sugar Free Challenge…8:55 - Barry says it is hard to imagine the life waiting for you after giving up sugar. Start by giving up one thing at a time. Barry