The Too Busy To Eat Show

7: Doug Holt on habits and goal setting to change your life



Doug Holt is a highly trained fitness expert, owner of four different companies, motivational speaker, and marketing expert. He has an extremely long, varied, and respected list of certifications and accomplishments. Doug has been featured in many publications and also contributes as a writer to an array of magazines. He now is residing in Oregon and developing material geared to help executives and entrepreneurs in both their business and personal lives. Intro….2:15 - Doug Holt has been in the fitness industry and marketing industry for approximately 20 years now. We are all multi-faceted and it is possible to find balance between work and passions. Doug’s Work…3:50 - He helped find a voice for different fitness professionals all over the world. Interestingly enough, many medical professionals do not have extensive nutrition or fitness training that they should have (they are more focused on medicines and chronic/acute illnesses). Fitness/Nutrition Routine…9:50 - Realize that you ebb and flow, but always try