The Too Busy To Eat Show

10: Dr. Brant Cortright on improving brain health



Dr. Brant Cortright is a clinical psychologist and has a practice in San Francisco. What makes his work unique is the fact that he focuses on a holistic and neuroscience based approach to brain health. Dr. Cortright specializes in depression, meaning, relationships, and anxiety. He is the author of two books, a professor, and will also do speaking engagements and workshops. The journey to writing his book…1:05 - His whole career, Dr. Cortright was involved in consciousness work and how we have underestimated the brain. His book, Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle: Upgrade Your Brain, Upgrade Your Life, focuses on brain health and diet. He was writing a book about depression when he came upon neurogenesis and decided to run with that. How to increase the rate of neurogenesis….5:00 - Diet is probably the biggest influencing factor because to build a good brain, we need high quality materials. The brain is made up of fat; so in turn, we need a diet with high quality fats. Stay away from oxidized fats (vegetable oil