The Too Busy To Eat Show

25: Hannah Krum, the Kombucha mamma, on everything you need to know about kombucha



Hannah Crum, also known as the Kombucha Mamma, is an expert regarding this popular drink. Hannah’s passion has turned into her own ‘Kombucha Kamp.’ Here, she offers advice and products to those interested in brewing their own kombucha. She is the master brewer for multiple restaurants and breweries in L.A. Her mission is to ‘change the world, one gut at a time.’ Hannah’s journey…1:55 - A lot of people seek out kombucha for health issues, but kombucha found Hannah! She was traveling in San Francisco and first saw it being brewed there. She went to her local Whole Foods after her trip and bought one right away. She’s been hooked ever since. She started brewing her own kombucha shortly after her habit outweighed her budget. - Because it is something she loves so much, she wanted to help others learn how to make this fermented drink. This turned into ‘Kombucha Kamp.’ Now she offers workshops, cultures, and lots of advice. He Kamp started with 40 members in 2014, and has grown to approximately 200! The process of