The Too Busy To Eat Show

31: Olena Osipov on simplifying healthy eating for the whole family



A native of Ukraine, Olena Osipov now finds herself in Vancouver, BC where she lives with her husband and two boys. After her second son was born, Olena developed a passion for health and fitness. Her blog and website,, is home to many clean eating recipe that Olena has developed. She shares her journey and love of clean eating with others so they can see that nutrition doesn’t have to be boring -rather it is fun and delicious! Olena’s Journey…2:30 - Olena grew up in Ukraine with very simple foods. Moving to Canada changed all of that; she was exposed to much more processed foods. After having her second child and hanging onto extra baby weight, she decided she needed a change. Olena turned her focus to clean eating; 80% of the time is very clean eating so the other 20% is flexible. - Olena is all about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Life is not about dieting and unrealistic expectations. When your eating becomes a lifestyle it becomes easier to maintain.…6:45 - Olena developed h