The Too Busy To Eat Show

38: Danielle Natoni - her journey to fitness superstar and making fitness a part of your life



‘From fractions to fitness’ describes Danielle Natoni and her transition from being a healthy teacher to a fitness expert perfectly. This former math teacher is now a Beachbody coach, the Creative Director for Shaun T, Master Trainer, Instagram Influencer and Insanity Live Format Expert. She is a mother to two girls and wife to the husband she met on the set of an Insanity infomercial. Journey…1:45 - Danielle grew up with healthy parents and has always been into health and fitness. Being fit was a part of who she was. After having two kids, trying to finish college, working two jobs, and finding herself in tons of debt at the age of twenty-two; she realized that she needed to come up with a solution. She thought about things she could do to provide herself a steady stream of income. Danielle always found a way to pay her gym membership because that was where she found her happiness. So she started teaching group fitness classes and then got her personal training certificate to do something she loves while sim