G2voice Broadcast

G2Voice Episode 002 Prostate Disease (PSA Tests) and Starting Procedure 09-25-2016



The audio from today's G2Voice Broadcast on Youtube. We had some "technical" difficulties so we added in a text telling people to skip forward to the 1:32:11 time marker when the problem starts at 1:18:40 mark. Weird things happen when you get truth out!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM5ZNCRxApYWatch the video at YouTube G2Voice channel. In this episode we will be discussing why Prostate tests are a hoax and how they try to get you on their medications,etcAlso we will be discussing what Sacramental Protocols you will be needing to take to "Restore your Health".You can study all the MMS Protocols with us in our On-line Video Course: http://www.genesis2church.is/courseStudy hard and you will be able to "restore health" from ANY dis-ease. If you are healthy then it will help you "maintain" that health in a toxic world.Lord bless, Mark