Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Is AI Secretly Altering Our Reality? The Mandela Effect and More!



Artificial Intelligence has surely (and sneakily) crept its way into the daily reality of millions (or billions) of human lives. But do we truly understand the implications of how A.I. has accomplished this and what it means for how we understand the nature of time, space and our own level of recall about current events? I’ll explore these questions, along with the mystery of the Mandela Effect as a possible theory as to how artificial intelligence may have already become our new (super) normal. …This is deep y’all! BE SURE TO WATCH ALL THE WAY TO THE END. We need to connect some dots!! ⚉ ⚉ ⚉ #higherjourneys #mandelaeffect #consciousness ▷ BECOME a QHHT practitioner (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) originally developed by Dolores Cannon - SIGN UP FOR THE COURSE, USE THE COUPON CODE: HIGHERJOURNEYS and get 10% off: https://bit.ly/3Pkx5W3 ⭐️ Work 1:1 with Alexis: Conscious (Spiritual Life) Coaching: http://www.higherjourneys.com/consciouscoaching ✅ Become a member of the Higher Journeys community on P