Ms Trust

Tingling, burning and crawling - what are altered sensations in MS



Send us a message about the podcast. For questions about MS please contact our helpline 0800 032 38 39In this episode, we talk about altered sensations. So what are altered sensations then? They are a bunch of sensory symptoms that can occur in MS, such as burning, tingling, pins and needles, crawling, numbness, prickling and the list goes on!  We talk to Dr Amanda Howarth, a pain specialist about what exactly they are and why they happen. We also share some of the MS community's life hacks around living with altered sensations.Episode notes: - MS Trust A-Z page on altered sensations: - MS Trust A-Z page on pain: - MS Trust Blog - What's with the strange tingling, crawling, burning and prickling feelings?: MS Trust A-Z on Complementary and alternative medicine: MS Trust A-Z on Cannabis: