Sex With Emily

The Pleasure Gap with Our CEO Amy Friedlander



Hey, pleasure seekers! I'm super excited about today's episode. I always encourage you to discuss sex with your friends, so I've invited Amy Friedlander, my CEO and brilliant friend, to join this conversation. We're both fed up with the pleasure gap, a topic The New York Times highlighted in a recent article, "The Orgasm Gap Isn’t Going Away for Straight Women." Today, Amy and I are actively seeking ways to bridge this gap. We're sharing our sexual histories, addressing the pitfalls of faking orgasms, and talking about negative sex-pectations set by porn and extreme media portrayals. We're talking about methods to prioritize pleasure and close the orgasm gap. Tune in to be part of this change and close the gap with us! You deserve a richer, more fulfilling sex life. We're sharing our sexual histories, addressing the pitfalls of faking orgasms, and talking about negative sex-pectations set by porn and extreme media portrayals. Together, we're talking about methods to prioritize pleasure and close the orgasm ga