Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Little-Known Test That Tells You Everything You Need To Know About Your Metabolism.



Last year, I interviewed pro mountain biker Chris Kelly in the podcast "7 Signs Your Cortisol And Adrenals Are Broken.". While that podcast went into lots of detail about how you can measure for adrenal fatigue, the fact is that you can delve into far more detail about what is going on inside your body, especially when it comes to your cellular metabolism. This little known test that tells you everything you need to know about your cellular metabolism is called the "Genova Organix Comprehensive Metabolic Profile", and in today's audio podcast, Chris and I cover everything you need to know about it. During our discussion, we discuss this .pdf print-out - so download it if you'd like to follow along as you listen in. I've also included helpful shownotes below, along with the questions that I ask Chris in this episode. --------------------------------- Q. What is the organic acids test and how did you discover it? A. About three years ago I wasn’t doing so well in terms of life outside of training: Loss of se