Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Problem With Paleo: Why It's OK To Eat Bread, Grains, Legumes, Cheese & Milk.



A few weeks ago, while I was in Israel, I posted the photo above to my Instagram page, with the comment that... "A Paleo person could never survive in Israel - local popped corn sprinkled with moss from the rooftop, freshly grown spelt and rye, falafel with soaked chickpeas, amazing lemons and guavas you simply bite through the skin, carob picked straight out of the desert, local raw sheep’s cheese and goat milk cheese sprinkled with fresh herbs, and omega-6 fatty acid packed tahinis blended with beets, freshly pressed olive oil and cilantro. Oh well. More for me." I have to admit that I stuffed my face with huge portions of nearly every food listed above when I visited a home in Galilee for a traditional weekly Jewish Shabbat feast. During that dinner, I sat next to Uri Mayer-Chissick (also known as "The Israeli Locavore"), who is a food historian and wild edible plant expert, and we had an interesting about traditional agricultural foods like bread and cheese, and the surge in popularity of the strict avoid