Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Fringe Minerals From Dirt & Why You Need Them: The Full Story Behind Fulvic & Humic Acid, With BEAM Mineral's Caroline Alan.



In today's episode, you'll delve into the fascinating world of minerals – those seemingly tiny elements that play such a gargantuan role in the functioning of your body. Enter Caroline Alan, a mineral enthusiast who transformed her life and health through the sheer power of mineral replenishment. I first learned about Caroline and her work from my good friend Dr. Matt Cook during a trip to San Jose. Caroline's story resonated deeply with me, and I knew it was one you'd appreciate. Once thriving in the corporate realm, Caroline found her health spiraling out of control. Desperate for answers and repeatedly told her ailments were "just normal," she embarked on a quest for healing. This journey led her to a crucial realization: the profound impact of minerals, especially plant-based humic and fulvic substances. From insomnia and adrenal depletion to transformative recovery, Caroline's story underscores the power of the right minerals at the right time. As we navigate this conversation, we'll unravel Caroline's p