Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Staying Fit With Sunshine & Blood Flow Restriction, The Superiority Of Goose Eggs, The Latest On EMF Protection, Is Vegetable Oil The Root Cause Of Most Modern Diseases?



Health and wellness are vast arenas, but a few figures cut through the noise with their pioneering insights and transformative impacts. Dr. Joseph Mercola is undeniably one of them. Hailing from Chicago, Dr. Mercola's multifaceted journey encompasses marathon feats and leadership roles at prestigious institutions like St. Alexius Medical Center. Dr. Mercola is the author of 15 books, with his most recent book, “The Truth About COVID-19”, being a national bestseller on Amazon, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly. Three of his books have also been included in The New York Times Best Sellers list, namely Effortless Healing, The No-Grain Diet, and The Great Bird Flu Hoax. In the 1990s, Dr. Mercola recognized the monumental potential of holistic, preventative health measures. This revelation gave birth to in 1997, a sanctuary for those drawn to a natural approach to wellness. Beyond being a top-ranking health website, it stands as a bastion against misinformation, challenging narrativ