Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Memory Master



Do you feel as if you’re losing your memory? Ability to recall? Forgetting names? Misplaced your keys? Minni Mental-Pause’s? Walking into a room and forgetting why you're there? Yes, we can all have these moments, but what I noticed with my patients is that they are more worried about this with age. Maybe someone close to you has dementia or memory issues; it’s really distressing. Stress, is certainly a factor in memory loss too. I know this too well. Not only acutely, but longterm stressors affect memory. It is for this reason I work on memory and mental techniques to sharpen my memory as well as the nutritional support and exercise components. One of my mentors that I am thrilled to share with you is Jim Kwik who is a master at memory and “Kwik Learning” as his name conveniently implies! In my recent CouchTalk, I was blessed to interview Jim and he shared a wealth of information. Please listen in. He gave so much useful information we can apply into our life right now. In fact after our call that evening, I