Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Muse: The Brain Sensing Headband



On this Couch Talk podcast, join Dr. Anna and Ariel Garten, Neuroscientist, as they discuss the benefits of meditation and her company’s tool, Muse™ – the brain sensing headband. Muse has helped thousands of people, including Olympic athletes, CEOs, musicians, and many more - including Dr. Anna - establish a meditation practice that incorporates real-time biofeedback. Says Dr. Anna,“I wanted to share Muse with my community because I have always found meditation to be a challenge. Muse, however, has really helped me develop my meditation practice. This has allowed me to carry the benefits of meditation into my daily life. Using the Muse headband helps me gain better focus and presence (a benefit of meditation). It is also a wonderful way to decrease everyday anxiety and stress.” The headband is comfortable and there is an easy to follow tutorial to help you learn the essentials of focused attention meditation. Soundscapes include Beach, Rainforest, Desert and others. The app includes milestones and rewards to