Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Reclaim your Energy for the Holidays



Meet Dr. Carri Drzyzga on today’s Couch Talk. Just in time for the holidays! How do you fight back from FATIGUE and Reclaim your ENERGY? Ah, the good, bad, ugly and beautiful about the holidays. So much stress this time of year. So how do you go from feeling stressed to feeling blessed? In my interview today on Couch Talk I spoke with Dr. Carri Drzyzga about the root causes of stress, how we can keep our “reserves” full over the holidays, and all about pyroluria, a social anxiety condition. Dr. Carri discussed the root causes of stress as being: · Mental, emotional, relational (separation or divorce being prime issues) · Positive stresses (we do have many positive stresses, like proposing to our partner!) · Physiological and internal stressors · Infections, parasites, and mold toxicity · Inflammatory foods and food sensitivities · Blood sugar imbalances And key fatigue factors include: anemia and thyroid problems, cortisol and blood sugar imbalances, vitamin deficiencies and chronic infections. We need to pra