Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Eat the Rainbow And Other Longevity Practices with Serena Poon



On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I am joined by Serena Poon, a celebrity chef and certified nutritionist who’s the founder of Just Add Water, a wellness line of super-nutrient foods and supplements. Serena incorporates soul wisdom into opening up pathways to great health and longevity while also using cutting-edge science. One of the most important areas is gut health, which affects our immune system, our mind, our mood and our behavior. Having a healthy gut is the key to longevity.  She recommends eating the rainbow – ingesting all different types of fruits and veggies along with lots of water to stay hydrated. It’s also important to measure your biomarkers like food intolerance, allergies, nutrient density, hormones and thyroid levels to manage deficits. Mindset is also critical to longevity. We usually want to stay in a safe or comfortable space in our health practices. But it’s important to break out of cycles that we’ve established to break through to better health and longevity. Only then can w