Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Full Body Vibration Therapy with Dr. Jason Conviser - How to Optimize your Physical Fitness at Any Age



Today’s guest is Dr. Jason Conviser Ph.D, a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine who has published over 40 scientific journal articles on physical fitness. An anomaly in sports medicine, Dr. Convisor abstains from treating professional athletes because he believes every person is an athlete with the potential to optimize and strengthen their body. In this episode, he shares the therapeutic uses of whole body vibration.  Your body is a machine and it needs movement to perform optimally. Vibration is a simple way of warming up your muscles so you can get the most out of your routine. No matter what age or skill level you can start your fitness journey with a simple walk around the block and full body vibration therapy can help you along your journey. It has been proven to decrease cortisol, increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and support healthy bones. This tool was made to be customized and is used to aid people of all physical stages reclaim their health and live more fulfilling lives.  KEY