Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

It’s So Easy Being a Single Mom!



This Mother's Day on The Girlfriend Doctor, we recognize the hardworking single mothers who sacrifice their wellness for the happiness of their families. Motherhood demands unshakable energy, but mothers are only human, and working non-stop has consequences.  To help others, you have to help yourself first, so we encourage all mothers to take a break, do what sparks joy, and prioritize self-care, Dr. Cabeca shares the story of her mother, who worked tirelessly to the point of severe cardiac stress. Burnout and sickness should not be the standard for motherhood. Self-care is not optional but is an essential ingredient to a long and joyful life.  This episode will inspire you to take time each day to renew your spirit so you can have the energy and longevity to be the mother your family needs for years to come. Mothers deserve microdoses of daily rest to recuperate and revive the soul. Join us as we recognize the hard work of mothers everywhere!   KEY TAKEAWAYS [1:00] A Story of My Mother  [4:50] My Promise to