Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Beyond Symptom Management: The Power of Functional Medicine with Dr. Jeffrey Bland



Don't let the limitations of our current medical system hold you back from achieving optimal health. Join me and Dr. Jeffrey Bland, a PhD, a scientist, and a world-renowned researcher and leader in personalized medicine and functional medicine, for an insightful discussion on how functional medicine can help you go beyond just managing symptoms. Discover how eliminating what's bogging down your immune system can improve your health with functional medicine. Today’s episode stresses the importance of an individualized approach to healthcare that focuses on preventative care and treating the root cause of illnesses, rather than just managing symptoms with pharmaceuticals. Functional medicine has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by providing a more personalized, root-cause-based approach to medicine. By focusing on prevention and addressing the underlying causes of disease, functional medicine can help to reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes. Learn how functional medicine can help you ta