Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Uncovering the Effects of Hormonal Disruptions on Women's Health with Dr. Margaret Christensen



Hormone disruption is a topic that is often overlooked but is crucial for understanding our overall health and well-being. It is not a sexy topic to talk about, but it is eye-opening and empowering, and it is essential to understand their effects on our health. In this episode, we aim to provide you with information to help you recognize any interference in your body's natural hormonal production. Our guest, a fellow OBGYN, Dr. Margaret Christensen, has made significant contributions to the fields of Longevity Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and Functional Medicine. Her expertise, combined with her unique clinical journey, has led her on an enlightening path of discovery. Dr. Margaret’s personal and clinical journey has led her to explore the impact of environmental toxins on our health. She uncovers the effects of psychoneurotropics and provides insights into how these toxins can affect us. This eye-opening discussion will make you think twice about the substances we encounter in our daily lives.  She is als