Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Back to School, Reset your Circadian Rhythm and Leptin Sensitivity with Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE



I am honestly so glad that the school year has started already! It does bring some melancholy feelings such as this is maybe the last time I drop my youngest one off to school because next year she'll be driving. I love these first day of school drop offs! I get to be ridiculous and embarrass her and bring a smile to her face. It is a really special time.  Some of you may be experiencing an empty nest cycle or just the nostalgia of the school season starting, and you feel like something's missing. Well, I'm here for you and I have often said to a patient that, ‘Wow! Now you finally have the time to have that mental breakdown your body has been wanting to have for a decade!’ Back to school also brings with it the focus on the immune system because colds and flus often come with the beginning of a new school year so, keeping yourself as healthy as possible is important for you and your family. I am not a proponent of routine flu immunizations - I am a proponent of resetting your circadian rhythm, boosting your