
408: Do positive affirmations work?



In this episode, we chat about positive affirmations and their power to shift your mindset. They are very much part of our business journey. When we started our business (11 years ago now) we had them pinned up on all of our walls everywhere.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWe came to a point where we stopped believing in the power of positive affirmations but listening to the Founders Podcast reminded us of the importance of positive affirmations and a positive mindset.Positive affirmations are essential in shifting mindsets, especially in a stress-laden environment like managing a business.It's important to look at our thoughts and the words that are on repeat in our mind.Positive affirmations are not just woo-woo or whimsical magical teachings. Carla shares her hypnobirthing journey, where positive affirmations are practised, to let go of the stress and anxiety of giving birth.Positive affirmations can help regulate our emotions. If we shift our thoughts, our thoughts create the feelings.