Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Our Medical System is BROKEN!



Most Americans nowadays are severely overmedicated, malnourished, and sick!  This sounds like an extreme statement, but is nevertheless true.  Most adults are on a number of drugs, from anti-depressants, statins, high blood pressure drugs; drugs to help you sleep, and drugs to wake you up.  The average number of drugs the average American is on at any one time, are 7.  At a cost of $1200 dollars per year, per person.  Of course, this is excluding the cost of going to see the medical doctor, and whatever procedure he decides you should have… Oftentimes, procedures and tests are given that result in huge bills for the patient, and those expensive tests are totally unnecessary.Also, you can be prescribed drugs for which the doctor receives a ‘kickback’ of commission for prescribing them.  All of this is ethically highly dubious, but it goes on regardless.  Is it any wonder that medical bills are the number one reason for bankruptcy?  Perhaps this is why anti-depressants are one of the biggest drugs to be prescri