Crime Stories With Nancy Grace

Did Hollywood Brat, 35, DISMEMBER WIFE ALIVE?



On Tuesday, November 7, Sam Haskell IV hires a couple of day laborers to take three bags of rocks to the dump. The bags don't feel like rocks, they feel like meat. A block away from Haskell's home, the men open a bag. Seeing a belly button, the men returned the bags and the money to Haskell who claims they saw Halloween props. The workers go to the police to tell their story, but end up having to call 911 from the parking lot of the police station. By the time cops get to Haskell's place to investigate, Haskell is gone and so are the supposed bags of body parts. An investigation starts. The next morning at 6:15 a.m., a 911 call comes in from a homeless man who was dumpster diving when he found a headless body. The headless torso of a female identified after an autopsy, confirmed to be the wife of Sam Haskell IV.  According to the autopsy report, it was a "dismembered torso with a single sharp force injury at the base of the anterior neck." No fatal injuries were found on the torso. The report further states H