Brilliant Observations

Shut Your Juicy Mouth



It’s Grievance Week, Dear Listener, and both Amy and Missy came ready to grouse. How better to begin than a full-throated rebuke of famed finger-wagger herself, the one and only Mel Robbins. Listen with head-shaking joy as Amy loses her damn mind over Mel Robbins' most recent episode, featuring the world's most saliva-packed special guest. If that wasn’t enough, Melissa launches her nukes at a disingenuous family of influencers looking to capitalize on their son’s (ahem) “medical condition.” He’s a picky eater, folks.  All that, plus a rousing game of Is This Racist (GenX Edition) and a limited edition segment we’re calling “Australia—Enough with the Genitals.”  There’s TV recommendations, verbal gaffs, hoots, snorts and lots of laughs. Give this one a listen or a share if you’re so inclined. You won’t be disappointed.