Breast Friends Cancer Support Radio

Holistic Plastic Surgery - The What & The Why!



What is Holistic Plastic Surgery? Wellness is an expansive concept. It is comprehensive because its foundation is grounded in many roots. It is aspirational and achievable, and it is accessible to all. The journey of wellness is highly individualistic; because we are different, our paths to our highest selves will be different. Dr. Shirley is a Plastic Surgeon and Integrative Medicine Specialist. She believes that beauty is a manifestation of wellness, and is one of its many dimensions. When you are well, on many levels, you radiate-- and that is undeniably beautiful. Wellness is to beauty what an essential ingredient is to a recipe. The two are fundamentally intertwined; they work well when together. Each may exist independently of the other, but without the other, the essence is incomplete. Join us to find out more!