Breast Friends Cancer Support Radio

When Boobs Attack: A Girlfriends' Guide to Breast Cancer



Jen and Stephanie wrote When Boobs Attack to provide information and hopefully a laugh to fellow people battling breast cancer. Jen and Stephanie went to high school together and then graduated and didn't talk for over 20 years. Then out of the blue their mothers, who still live in their hometown, spilled the beans that they were both battling breast cancer. Can you believe the coincidence? They were diagnosed within a month of each other and both finished active treatment in April of 2018! As they chatted about what treatments they each had coming up, it worked out great because Jen was the mastectomy expert and Stephanie was the chemo expert! Jen shared great boob pillows and Stephanie sent soft hats for the bald-times. Jen and Stephanie are currently writing the second book in the series. They are open very open about their diagnosis, treatments, side effects, and whatever you want to know in all of the gory details. They had so much fun with selecting the book and chapter titles - they really do think t