Authentic Living

The Heroic Journey through Sexual Trauma



It’s a difficult topic but one which millions of people all over the world are contending with right this minute. It’s a secret most of the time, but the most important task is not in exposing the secret, but in healing, and not just healing but in learning to thrive. Our guest today, Melissa Bradley, is an expert on sexual trauma with twenty-seven years experience in both clinical and investigative work in the field of sexual trauma. She’s taught more than 50,000 professionals in America, Canada and Central America in her two self-developed programs, “The Psychology of Resilience: A Multi-modal Approach to Thriving Using the Heroic Journey” and “Three Stages of Healing: Counseling Victims of Sexual Trauma.” Instead of living a lifetime filled with fear and reenactment, she teaches that survivors of sexual trauma can become thrivers whose lives are rich, peaceful and meaningful. If you are a survivor or know someone else who is, don’t miss this show!