Authentic Living

What’s Your Dosha, Baby?



Our guest this week is Lissa Coffey, lifestyle and relationship expert, Psychotherapist, Sociologist, and the host of, as well as the author of the relationship book “What’s your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love.” Relationship is one of the most rewarding and confounding of life’s mysteries, and something that we are only now beginning to truly understand. So, if you have questions or concerns about relationships, this show is for you! Media’s go-to person regarding dating and relationship, guest of the Today Show among others, and host of her own CoffeyTalk TV, Lissa has much to offer. But add to that her depth understanding of several different ancient philosophies and you get a very unique understanding of relationship that applies ancient wisdom to contemporary issues. Don’t miss this show!