Authentic Living

The Peaceful Warrior



The pathway of the authentic Self is the way of the peaceful warrior. Dan Millman, our guest today, has come to tell us some real life stories of the way of the peaceful warrior a way that bridges the gap between worlds. Most well known for his bestselling books, including “Way of the Peaceful Warrior,” “The Laws of Spirit,” and “The Life You Were Born to Live;” Dan was first known as a world trampoline champion and hall of fame gymnast. His books have inspired millions of people in more than twenty languages. And as most of us know, his book “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” has been turned into a movie, “Peaceful Warrior”—a breakthrough film that doesn’t just inform the audience of a change in the lead character, but allows members of the audience to leave changed or reminded of some deeper aspect of Self. The man has simply combined more than one lifetime into this one! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear, and if you choose, talk to one of the world’s foremost spiritual leaders!