Authentic Living

Acceptance is not the White Flag



You know we spend the first half of our adjustment to any circumstance trying to figure out why it happened just the way it did. Even the good circumstances. We try to make them mean something. All too often, our interpretations of the events in our lives turn out to mean that we are not good enough yet for the good stuff. Just so, our dualistic thinking keeps us bargaining with our realities in ways that stifle our growth. But every single growth experience we have ever had, from taking our first step to growing through the dark nights of the soul, mean that we started somewhere and ended up somewhere else. If we really grew, our identity changed with each curve in the road. We became different than who we were before. So, what do we do when things don’t turn out the way we hoped? That’s what this show is all about. Don’t wave that white flag yet. Tune in, instead.