Authentic Living

Wisdom Man



Our guest today is the author of the Australian bestselling book called “Wisdom Man,” a moving and powerfully awakening book about the Aboriginal leader, Banjo Clarke. She is Camilla Chance an Australian who has been deeply involved with the Aboriginal culture for over 27 years. Camilla has been a lyric writer for an international performing group. the Kuban Cossacks, a high school teacher, an editor, a wife and mother, and a book reviewer for two prestigious Australian newspapers—“The Age” and “The Australian.” Her book is the winner of the American Award for best multicultural work. And she is the first non-Aboriginal to receive the prestigious Unsung Hero Award from Aboriginal people for her dedicated friendship and work for them behind the scenes. Her work has changed her life and philosophy and we are going to learn all about that. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the wisdom of living close to the earth.