Authentic Living

Regina Brett on life’s lessons



It’s in those darkest of moments when we wonder what the heck is going on that we are actually changing in such an alchemical way that we just don’t recognize it until later. Regina Brett has been there and back. She wrote a column on her life’s lessons that by popular demand became a book. God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours is an inspirational collection of essays and stories about life’s lessons based on a column she wrote after turning 50 about her own life’s lessons. These lessons have now traveled the world from Austin to Australia. One car dealer in Cincinnati hands the lessons out to customers. A Cancer care agency gives them out with every wig. Teachers share them with students. Essentially they have taken on a life of their own. And now, we are going to get to hear all about them. Tune in and see what you might be learning just now.