Authentic Living

Medical Intuitive Caroline Sutherland on Staying Young



This thing about staying young has become quite an important topic today, with many visiting their doctors regularly to keep up with their Botox shots and many others seeking facial change, and launching body work, vitamin and nutrition programs—all in an effort to sustain the grace of youth. But our guest today tells us that the body already knows how to stay young. She is Caroline Sutherland a medical intuitive who has written several books in a series called “The Body Knows,” the latest of these and the topic of today’s discussion called “The Body Knows How to Stay Young.” She has answers for the chronic degenerative breakdown that leads to mobility issues, decrease in hearing and vision, osteoporosis, arthritis and memory loss. And she offers four components of a vibrant-aging program that demonstrate the body’s wisdom and capacity to self-repair. You don’t want to miss this show!