Authentic Living

Gary Zukav on Spiritual Partnership



This whole business of relationship is pivotal point in our history. Not only are we looking at primary relationship in a whole new light as we create new ground rules for a new way of relating from love and intimacy rather than security needs, but we are also looking at all of our relationships differently. Work relationships, friendships, race relations, and issues of sexual orientation are all factoring into our new understanding of relationships. Gary Zukav’s latest book “Spiritual Partnership: The Path to Authentic Power” might just pave the way to an entirely new way of relating. According to Zukav, “Spiritual Partnership is partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. It is dramatically different from all previous forms of relationship and serves a different purpose. Spiritual partnerships are vehicles that multisensory individuals use to create authentic power and support one another.” You are not going to want to miss this one.