Authentic Living

The Many Myths of Planet Earth



What is your mythology? Do you know? Or, are you living it out as if? There are many different mythologies by which we run our lives, by which we run our economy, by which we run our politics, our religions, our fates. Even our desires are very often based in our mythologies. Could it even be that our mental/spiritual/physical/emotional health is based in our mythologies? How can we activate principles that seem to be applicable for all of us if both our cultures and we as individuals are living a myth? How do we know what is real and what isn't? If I am interpreting life events and my own identity according to a myth, then how do I actualize my truest Self? This week we are going to spend some time together exploring the variant mythologies by which we run the world. And we are going to expose the real truth beneath the mythologies. Don't miss this one! It might just make the difference.