Authentic Living

Thomas Moore and Caring for the Soul in Medicine



Though much of what we hear and see in media tells us differently, the only way to live a meaningful life is to live in poignant touch with the soul. Thomas Moore, our guest for today, is an expert on the soul. With 3 videos, 10 audio recordings and 18 books, including his original bestseller, “Care of the Soul,” and others such as “Dark Night of the Soul,” and “The Original Self,” Thomas Moore has enchanted us all. While he does not paint a pretty picture of happy-ever-after proportions, he urges us to consider the depth of existence, to be faithful to our original and unvarnished Selves, to love deeply and with care for the soul. In his latest book, “Care of the Soul in Medicine” he teaches both healthcare workers and patients to participate in matters of the soul as a part of the co-creative endeavor of healing and helping. If you are or know someone in the field of medicine or receiving medical care, this show is for you. Come listen to Thomas and glimpse again your own soul.