Authentic Living

Loving Someone Gay



We’ve heard it again and again recently, teen suicides based on bullying, particularly the bullying of someone who is or is perceived to be gay. And then we heard Joel Burns, openly gay City Councilman from Ft. Worth, Texas, in his passionate and tearful plea to gay and lesbian teens to hold on to life—don’t let bullies drive you to suicide—because it’s going to get better. Why are these children bullied? Because we don’t know yet how to receive and accept differentness. This week, we are going to be talking with someone who has struggled with and overcome issues of differentness through his own coming out process—the first openly gay member of the American Psychological Association, and the author of the book “Loving Someone Gay,” now in its 5th Edition. Don Clark has much to say to us about this acceptance process—one that is going to be essential to our culture if we are to survive. So, don’t miss this one.