Authentic Living

Staying Present



Staying present is one of the hardest things we must learn to do if we are to integrate body, mind and soul. As David Ord, our guest for today puts it, “A lot of us have moments when we are present, but we can’t sustain it throughout our workday and time with our family. We either drift into thought or we become emotionally reactive to something that upsets us.” Sustaining that presence is what Michael Brown’s book The Presence Process is all about. And David is coming today to talk to us about that process, since Michael cannot be here. David is Michael’s editor as the Editorial Director of Namaste Publishing Company and an author in his own right. Both from his own work and from the work of editing Michael’s work, he can speak very clearly to the process of integration that occurs as a result of this presence process. If you have difficulty staying present—tune in—you’ll be glad you did.